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» FAQs in this category:

How many assignments are there for each Subject? FAQ rated 4.0/5.0
Half credit courses have 2 assignments and Full credit course have 4 assignments.
If I am unable to submit assignments? FAQ rated 2.9/5.0
The students who are unable to submit assignments are marked as fail.
Are there any tutors for Students? And how I can get Tutor information? FAQ rated 2.9/5.0
Yes, you received Tutor Letter/Workshop Schedules by post on your Postal address, if somehow you can’t get any tutor information then please contact with your concerned regional office and visit...
I submitted my assignment to tutor but why am I fail in it? FAQ rated 3.4/5.0
Please contact to your concerned regional office. Write an application with proof and submitted to your Regional Director. Then they forward your case to the main Campus then your result will be revis...
AIOU, Directorate of Students Advisory & Counseling Services FAQ rated 3.4/5.0
The website of student’s advisory is also available at link: https://aiou.edu.pk/directorate-students-advisory-counselling

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